Ankara HHH Run 1288

Date:17 AUGUST 2008

Location: ElmaDağ

 Hares: Lost Cause, Deputy Dawg

Hash Soup: no hash soup

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Pohotos: blowhard

Hash Trash AHHH Run No 1288 Sunday August 17th 2008 

Yesterday two feminist Hares (Lost Cause & Deputy Dawg) let us run up and down the hills of Elma Dag.

During the Run there was a Swing Low Check. Our thoughts went to Shiggy Shells and HammerHead who lost a son lately.

Our feminist Hares didn't make a Father Abraham Check and were the songmasters of Mother Abraham and her seven daughters during the circle afterwards.

There were appreciation DDs for Virgin Mehmet and Long'o Motive for bringing new Hashers and for BlowHard for bringing a new item for the GM.

Bad DD for Deputy Dawg however who has to show more respect for her Hash name. If not, she might be renamed, Deputy Down Down or so.

Several other DD were given before Inci got her Hash name: "Moonlight"

 For those who didn't come to the Hash lately: As from two weeks ago on, throughout the Hash World, Altay Bey is known as "Long'o Motive".

Some of you are thinking: "Altay Bey? Who the f* is Altay Bey? In this case: Get out of your lazy chair and come to the Hash!

ON ON Kesikkopru'ye,  Rin Tin Tin   GM AHHH


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